T$an30000 has just delivered one of the strongest debut projects I have heard in a while, it’s titled, G6M1N19. T$an has been working tirelessly behind the scenes, along with his manager and the executive producer of the project, LoganNotNice, as a big burst into the music scene is the hopes behind this masterful debut album. This exuberant album is 14 tracks long and only has two features, one from Jah$tar on “Stressin’”, and another one introduces a new artist to take the industry by storm and reminds me of Kodie Shane, VanDank on “Come Home”.
Considering this is his debut album, T$an expectedly has a variety of cadences to offer as every song slaps in different ways. T$an adapts a quick and fairly high pitched rhyme-scheme that he quickly establishes throughout the album and he just glides on each and every instrumental. I believe T$an will be able to soar to what he strives for as Adam22 has already given him a co-sign explaining that he “just seems like a star”, and I am positive that is an exceptional feeling and great re-assurance that him and his team are on the right path. I highly recommend checking out T$an30000’s debut album as he has certainly set the bar.
Enjoy G6M1N19 below.