Lots of great new music came out this week, run down the list to see the best of the best and get caught up. Here’s the thing right off the bat with us bringing these lists back, though; Sometimes a song will be slightly outside the “date zone” or “official” “week” that you see in the title. You’re just going to have to deal with it, good music is more important than imaginary rules for music lists. You can leave any songs we missed in the comment section, but just know that you’re wrong and I hate you (see clip).
Father – “Crush It Up & Snort It”
Amazing song for Summertime from Father’s new Papicodone EP, find that here.
Pouya – “Energy”
Miami artist with a unique style who apparently now has a plan, some bands, a whip and a bitch.
Jupiter Thief – “Sunwalker”
An instrumental track from Jupiter Thief, a collective of producers including Dom McLennon.
Alex Wiley – “Japanese”
New single from Chicago’s Alex Wiley from his upcoming Heaven’s Gate EP.
Vic Mensa – “I Been”
One of Vic’s recent weekly new releases, he let’s you know he’s BEEN doin’ this shit.
Quentin Miller and TheCoolisMac are WDNGCRSHRS and they teamed up with Cardo for a new mixtape.