BROCKHAMPTON has reinvented the modern rap collective, and, to be expected, several groups have followed their lead. One that’s built on their template is Cemetery Drive, a collection of eleven members from (seemingly) disparate locales, and, boy, does their sound bang. With only five tracks to their name, it seems the group is just starting out, but, given their ultra-dynamic sound and chemistry, you’d think they’ve been working together for years.
Six days ago, Cemetery released their latest track, “Isabelle,” and, quite conspicuously, it showcases their production and rap chops. Multiple members go ham here switching beats and flows up, and, from beginning to end, there isn’t one dull moment at all. This is the stuff that has the potential to go viral, and, if more people become aware of them, we expect exactly that.
Listen below to “Isabelle,” now.