As a director, Mykolaiv City Ukraine's, DELTAA has created a handful of HUGE music videos for Russian artists. Take for example the video for Russian #1 hit Niletto - Любимка, which has over 140million views. Or the video for Alyona Alyona - Пушка which was covered in an article about Euro-Pop in The New York Times, Vogue , Billboard, and The Guardian. DELTAA's creativity is generating numbers and new fans in an ever-growing international audience and he's ready for more as he begins to focus on establishing himself as a recording artist as well.
None of this I would have known if not for DELTAA submitting his newest video "MMA" to us which we were instantly ready to premiere. DELTAA and I connected over IG to chat about his latest video and how experiences growing up in a city like Mykolaiv City, Ukraine.

How long have you been making videos and what got you started?
I've been making videos since middle school, I was filming my friends. My dad got me a cheap Nikon camera and that's where it all started. I've just progressed from there and I've shot videos on everything from just and iPhone to red and Alexa cameras.
When did you start putting a focus into creating for yourself, making your own music and why?
I started doing my own music initially and the videos that I edited for me gained a lot of underground buzz. Big producers noticed my works and asked me to shoot similar stuff wor their artists. I never signed any deal with a producer tho. My music is my music.
How has growing up in Mykolaiv City Ukraine influenced you as a director and rapper?
Lots of violence, football hooligans, guns & knives, man it's crazy outta here. Everything you see and hear in my music is 100% real. Mykolaiv is somewhat considered one of the most criminal cities in Eastern Europe. My whole life he was surrounded with drug traffickers, killers, robbers. But there is a lot of good too.
You mentioned you visited the US a few years ago was it what you expected? How was it different and did it give you any new perspective on western and eastern culture?
Western culture is more open-minded. But people here are stronger. They can survive through tough shit.
What are your plans for the future? What do you want to do?
Man, I'm taking over the whole world !!

Watch DELTAA's new video "MMA" below and get a glimpse into real life in a small city full of drugs, fights, murders. The struggle of rugby players, boxers, MMA fighters trying to "make it" and get out poverty. This is an urban scream for the whole world to hear.