17-year-old St. Paul, MN rapper LA Drakio wants to be the greatest of all time. He wants people to make movies about his life. Well, he's got some work to do, but he's off to a great start with "Lost Child". This track sounds like something much more like it's coming out of Atlanta but that's definitely is not a knock as we all know Atlanta's reputation for cranking out dope rap artists. "The song is about how growing up in a poor environment make you feel lost in the world and more you get deeper in the song I start telling story’s of things I seen and went threw as a kid in the trenches." Drakio told us in his submission. Hey, when you grow up poor, you're gonna feel down sometimes, but I gotta say, It's gotta be way better than growing up rich and not being hungry to make it. Keep'em coming Drakio.
Music VideosApril 22, 2020
Better broke and hustlin' then rich and lazy