AlbumsSeptember 24, 2019

GrizzOn13th, formerly known as Steezy Grizzlies, drops his debut album.

Cydney Lee

GrizzOn13th dropped his debut album, Mercy Me*, and it’s short and to the point. “Mercy Me* is a prayer to my family and friends,” he told me. “It’s also asking God to bless my team and fans as we move towards the path of success.”

Grizz is a part of a larger DC rap collective called 93 Bandits. Other members include: Rashad Stark, Hooks Ventura, Zuri Gold, Howie Dewitt, Monty, and Nasty Naj.

The DC rapper first caught my attention when he sent me his “C-3po Free$tyle” back in January. Since then, I have been patiently waiting for this new album–something I know he’s worked very hard on. When asked of how Mercy Me* came about, Grizz cites prayers, Red Bull, a bit of heartbreak, and Rashad being on his ass through much of his creative process.

His sound hits different to me, and I can’t quite put my finger on why. The slight raspiness of his tone and his crisp delivery pair nicely with the production on this project. I can tell that Grizz knows what works for him sonically but is also not afraid to experiment with different sounds.

“Drip Is Gold” is my personal favorite next to the heartfelt, “Mom Speaks.” Check out the rest of the album below and make sure you turn it up.

Twitter: @GrizzOn13th

Instagram: @grizzon13th


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