SwagHollywood is no stranger to gracing our page with his signature bangers, and again he’s dropped off yet another blessing with his newest single “Swoo 30.” On this cut SwagHollywood brings the exhilarating energy and fluid flow only found within a Florida artist and he puts it down flawless over a W1erdo production. With every deserving right, “Swoo 30” was delivered carrying no modesty to it, SW came to tell the tale of his success: counting the pleather of cash flow Monday-Sunday, exquisite women and giving relentless disregard to any of his haters who have something to say about it. We’ve yet to get a full length project from him this year but this track adds to a growing list of 2019 singles. Give him a follow @swaghollywood and be on the lookout for more madness to come.